Prosatanos / Smoke - In hate and blasphemy CD

Art.Nr.: TDR005

46 minutes of Satanic hatred!!!
Pure Old School Black Metal from Germany vs. Unholy Chaos Black Metal from the Netherlands!!!
CD is limited to 1000 copies

1. Prosatanos - Time of Armageddon     
2. Prosatanos - Master of the Highest Court     
3. Prosatanos - Land of My Vision     
4. Prosatanos - Illusion     
5. Prosatanos - ... Im Wald der Vergessenheit     

6. Smoke - Het Sermoon     
7. Smoke - De Sententiën     
8. Smoke - Spinning In Infinity     
9. Smoke - Rook, Die hun de Traenen uyt de Oogen Rukt en als Verstikt     
10. Smoke - Het Ghesolferde Vier

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12,90 EUR

inkl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten

Prosatanos / Smoke - In hate and blasphemy CD