Prosatanos / Smoke - In hate and blasphemy CD

12,90 EUR
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Product no.: TDR005

Products description

46 minutes of Satanic hatred!!!
Pure Old School Black Metal from Germany vs. Unholy Chaos Black Metal from the Netherlands!!!
CD is limited to 1000 copies

1. Prosatanos - Time of Armageddon     
2. Prosatanos - Master of the Highest Court     
3. Prosatanos - Land of My Vision     
4. Prosatanos - Illusion     
5. Prosatanos - ... Im Wald der Vergessenheit     

6. Smoke - Het Sermoon     
7. Smoke - De Sententiën     
8. Smoke - Spinning In Infinity     
9. Smoke - Rook, Die hun de Traenen uyt de Oogen Rukt en als Verstikt     
10. Smoke - Het Ghesolferde Vier

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